Referee Policy Book

Referee Policy and Procedures


The following items are the Policies and Procedures for the WMBA Officials Association. All league officials are to familiarize themselves with this content. Arrival Times

You are expected to arrive well before game time for all of your assignments. This not only lets your partner know that he/she is not alone, but also facilitates a good warm-up and pre-game. It is your responsibility to find the gym and ensure your are working in the proper gym (most of our facilities have more than one gym, be sure you are in the correct location).

Assigning of Games

The procedure the association uses to assign games is as follows:Officials are assigned games based on:

  • Ability
  • Availability
  • Service to the Association

Members are not to accept assignments where there will be potential conflicts (i.e. two double assignments back-to-back).

Members are not entitled to make assignment changes without initially contacting their Assignor. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.


Every referee who participates in the WMBA is expected to attend either a Junior Officials Development Program (JODP) Clinic or a MABO approved referees clinic at the beginning of each season. Clinic fees will be the responsibility of each member to pay. Attendance at a MABO approved clinic is mandatory for all officials every year.

Code of Ethics

The MABO Code of Ethics is its public declaration of an official's obligation to himself/herself, his/her peers and the game. I will... 

  • Not make any remarks to anyone in such a manner as to cause the reputation of the WMBA, MABO or Basketball Manitoba any damage.
  • Do the best job I can in each game, no matter what the category of basketball.
  • Always show respect for my fellow officials, the players, coaches and fans.
  • Study and continue to improve my knowledge of the rules and WMBA / MABO’s policies and procedures.
  • Represent myself and the rules of the game as fairly and as accurately as possible at all times.
  • Represent myself as professionally as possible in appearance and physical conditioning to suit the level of basketball that I am officiating.
  • Always be unquestionably impartial, keeping a professional and appropriate distance from teams.
  • Understand that the use of alcohol is totally unacceptable on game days. The use of drugs is against the law.
  • Be supportive of my fellow on-court and off-court officials at all times, even when I am a spectator, player or coach.
  • Accept the fact that I will make mistakes, but I will not get frustrated or let this learning process affect my performance or my professionalism.
  • Contribute to the continuing growth of the WMBA & MABO and its officials through support, encouragement and a positive attitude.
  • Respect and accept constructive feedback from Evaluators and the assignments I receive from the Assignor.
  • Not solicit games from any coach, league or representative thereof.

Officials not complying with the MABO Code of Ethics and Policies will be subject to disciplinary action.

Discipline & Appeal Procedure

The WMBA may take disciplinary action against a member within the bounds of this manual. The President may take interim disciplinary action until the next executive meeting.

A member may request review of any disciplinary action taken by the Disciplinary / Rules Committee by following the Appeal Procedures as indicated in the WMBA Handbook.


It is very important that members follow the proper procedures after ejecting a player or coach. At the game site, report the incident on the back of the scoresheet, or attach a sheet of paper to the scoresheet. Then, call the WMBA Referee Assignor the same day to report the incident. Be prepared to give a detailed report, including the name of the teams involved, as well as the name and number of the player(s) involved. In addition, this information should be forwarded to the WMBA Executive Director.Evaluations

An honest attempt will be made to evaluate as many officials as possible each year. Your local association is responsible for most formal evaluations, while MABO is directly responsible for evaluations at a provincial tournament. Officials who are not satisfied with their evaluation may request to be rated by a different evaluator.

Evaluation Fees

The cost of receiving an evaluation will be one (1) regular game fee. Evaluations are not mandatory at this time and interested people must request one from the Assignor.


An approved member of the Association:

  • Must follow proper dress code
  • Must attend all necessary meetings
  • Must be at all games assigned to him/her (see Arrival Times for specific information)
  • Must use accepted signals and mechanics
  • Must display a professional attitude both on & off court
  • Should be in good physical condition and able to keep up with the play
  • Must attend an annual JODP / MABO Clinic
  • Should conduct a pre-game talk with your partner
  • Should make some contribution for the good of the Association

Failure to follow these guidelines will lead to the following procedures:

  • The member will be approached by the Head Referee Assignor (or in some cases, another member of the WMBA Executive Committee) either in person or by phone detailing the concerns.
  • Continued disregard will result in a written warning from the Executive Committee. The Assignor will be directed to change the quality and/or quantity of the games assigned as a probationary measure.
  • Further defiance will result in the official losing his/her membership in the Association. 

Fines & Penalties

Referees who work a full game will be paid based on their experience as indicated in the Payment section below. A “full game” is defined as being ready to work exactly at or prior to the tip-off time and leaving at the completion of the game(s), according to the official league schedule. Those referees who do not fulfill this time requirement will be penalized by the following:

  • Referees who are NOT ready to begin the game at game time will be paid for ½ a game only. This includes arrival from the moment the jumpball occurs until halftime. If arrival time is later than halftime, no game fee will be paid.
  • A referee who does not show to a game for any reason will NOT receive any payment and will be fined the equivalent of one additional game fee for the missed game.

It is the referee’s sole responsibility to ensure they arrive at the proper game site on time and that they are properly equipped ready to work the assignment(s). 

The on-site Gym Supervisors will be reporting all referee attendance into the league office at the end of each day.


An official is late when they do not adhere to the arrival times guidelines set forth in this manual (see Arrival Times). If your partner is late or is a no-show, call the Assignor immediately. At any level, if you know you are going to be late, call the WMBA Referee Assignor and your partner well in advance.


Regular meetings of the WMBA Referees Association will be scheduled throughout the season and will be at the call of the WMBA Referee Assignor. Attendance at these meetings will be mandatory for all active officials to attend. The meetings will discuss points of emphasis, rule interpretations and other business.

Membership Fees

Annual membership fees are collected as part of your JODP clinic fees. Members attending a MABO Level 1-4 clinic must pay for their clinic fees plus the MABO Membership fees as set by MABO. Membership includes the following:

  • Eligibility to work WMBA sanctioned games.
  • Complete accident and liability insurance coverage for all sanctioned basketball games you officiate.

No Shows

If your partner appears to be a no-show, you are obliged to call the appropriate assignor immediately so that a replacement can be arranged


All referees who officiate in WMBA sanctioned league, playoff and tournament games will be paid based on the following scale:

  • Referees with experience of 2 years or less will be paid $9.00 each per game.
  • Referees with experience of 3 to 4 years will be paid $11.00 per each game.
  • Referees with experience of 5 years or more will be paid $17.00 each per game.
  • An additional assigning fee of 10% of the game fee will be paid to the designated WMBA Referee Assignor for the scheduling of these referees.
  • The Referee Assignor will be responsible for determining the seniority of the league referees.
  • Payment will be made on a monthly basis to the Referees and Assignor based on the summary provided by the Referee Assignor. Payment discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the Assignor.


An updated roster will be published annually (or whenever necessary). It is your responsibility to inform the Assignor of any address and / or phone number changes.

Rules of Play

All WMBA sanctioned games will be played under the rules set forth by FIBA. The WMBA has developed a number of rule modifications to this system to address the age and skill level of its participants. This information is provided to referees at clinics prior to the season. Current FIBA Rules Books are provided at all MABO / Basketball Manitoba clinics or may be purchased directly from Basketball Manitoba or downloaded from FIBA web site here.

Uniform / Dress Code

The standard equipment and uniform for all WMBA officials shall be that of the following:

  • Black and white mesh v-neck shirt with black collar and trim (shirt shall always be worn tucked inside the trousers).
  • The approved MABO crest on the left breast.
  • Black whistle with a black lanyard.
  • Black pants with a black belt (if worn).
  • Black socks.
  • Black leather athletic shoes.
  • Wristwatches or jewellery of any kind may never be worn.

Personal Appearance and Conduct

  • An official should strive for neatness in appearance at all times. The uniform shall fit and be clean and pressed.
  • Conduct before, during and after the game should always be dignified, businesslike, and professional.
  • An official will not sit or lean on the scoretable during a time out nor engage in conversation with spectators, or other persons.
  • An official will never “shoot around” with a basketball before, during half time or following a game. You are there to referee only.

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